TEST Archives | Energy CIO Insights
PowerStream: Rejuvenating Power Grids with Smart Grid Technology

PowerStream: Rejuvenating Power Grids...

Brian Bentz, President and CEO,PowerStream

RTDS Technologies: Real Time Digital Power System Simulation

RTDS Technologies: Real Time Digital...

Rick Kuffel, Director,RTDS Technologies

Micotan Software Company: Provides Integrated Software for Well-lifecycle Management

Micotan Software Company: Provides...

Chris McPhee, President,Micotan Software Company

Microgrid: Journey from Critical Infrastructure to Premium Power

Microgrid: Journey from Critical...

Shay Bahramirad, Director of Smart Grid and Technology, ComEd

GRID EX III - Physical and Cyber Security on the Electric Utility Grid

GRID EX III - Physical and Cyber Security on the Electric Utility Grid

Dawn Roth Lindell, SVP & CIO, Western Area Power Administration

IT Strategy- Turning Trends into Long-term Value

Cynthia Johnson, VP & CIO, California Resources Corporation (NYSE : CRC)

Putting Data and Analytics to Work

Alberto Ruocco, VP and CIO, American Electric Power

Interconnecting Applications to Revolutionize Energy Industry

Jerry Sullivan, VP, IT & CIO at OUC, The Reliable OneTM

Containerization Solutions to Augment Software Development

Containerization Solutions to Augment...

Michael Couvillion, CTO, Drillinginfo

Using Pragmatic Analytical Tools to Advance Performance in Pipeline Companies

Using Pragmatic Analytical Tools to...

Lee Laviolette, Managing Director & Global Oil and Gas Leader, Navigant Consulting

Ushering a New Era of Clean Energy Nuclear Reactors

Ushering a New Era of Clean Energy...

Dr. Jose Reyes, CTO, NuScale Power

Technical Toolboxes: A Digital Makeover in the Pipeline

Technical Toolboxes: A Digital Makeover...

Martin Fingerhut, President & CEO,Technical Toolboxes