SUPPLY-CHAIN Archives | Energy CIO Insights
Mine Data based on Business and Consumer Needs

Mine Data based on Business and...

Stuart Kippelman, SVP & CIO, Covanta Energy Corporation

How Technology is changing the Oil and Gas Landscape - for the better

How Technology is changing the Oil and...

Andreea Ene, EMEIA Oil & Gas Advisory Leader, EY

Hypertransparency in Energy Markets: The Race to Technology-Aided Insight

Hypertransparency in Energy Markets:...

Andy Bose, VP & GM, Oil, Platts

Identify and Realize Value Through Applied Technology

Identify and Realize Value Through...

Joseph Santamaria, VP–IT & CIO, PSEG Services Corporation

Putting Data and Analytics to Work

Alberto Ruocco, VP and CIO, American Electric Power

Re-shaping the Oil & Gas Sector

Jennifer Hartstock, CIO, GE Oil & Gas

Building a Future Proof ERP Platform

Jorge Frausto, CIO-Global ERP, GE Power

Modernized Grid Technologies

Modernized Grid Technologies

Todd Inlander, VP & CIO, Southern California Edison

Veritas Total Solutions: Embracing Energy Change and Challenges

Veritas Total Solutions: Embracing...

Mike Burger, Partner & Co-Founder,Veritas Total Solutions