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Great Bay Software: The Guardian of Connected Devices
Allegro: Integrated Commodity Management Platform for Risk Mitigation in the Energy Space
BeyondTrust: Delivering Visibility to Reduce Internal and External Risks
Certified Security Solutions: Preventing Cyber Attacks and Service Outages
Cigital: Simplifying Cyber Security
CYBERBIT: Detecting and Responding to Advanced Cyber Threats in SCADA and IT Networks
Qualys [NASDAQ: QLYS]: Continuous and Proactive Network Monitoring to Prevent Cyber Attacks
Skybox Security: Securing Data by Eliminating Attack Vectors
Solutionary: Effective Monitoring of the Complete Security Lifecycle
Versasec: Bolstering Information Security for Advanced Credential Management
BeyondTrust: Collaborative Approach toward Privilege and Vulnerability Management
Enablon: A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Risk
LockPath, Inc.: Risk Management Made Easy
LogicManager: Sustainable Enterprise Risk Management
AlertEnterprise: A Unique Disruptor in Today's Security Landscape
Timetrics Risk: Advanced Analytics for Energy Risk Management
Aspect Enterprise Solutions: Trading Made Faster and Smarter
Optimus: Driving Optimum Value
Brady PLC: The ETRM Behemoths
Adaptive Financial Consulting Limited: Transformative Approach for Energy Trading
Atom Solutions: Realizing a Fast ROI on ETRM Implementations
ETRMServices: Trusted IT Service for Energy Trading Excellence
Veritas Total Solutions: Embracing Energy Change and Challenges
AXCELERUS: Innovative Solutions Enable Strategic Vision
Pioneer Solutions: Energy Trading Software at its Best
Veritas Total Solutions: Bridging Business Processes and Technology in a Disruptive Energy Environment
Brady: Empowering Energy Businesses beyond Borders
AXCELERUS: Shorter, Faster, and Nimble E/CTRM Solution Implementationt
Optimus: The ETRM Value Optimizers
Veritas Total Solutions: Bridging Business Processes and Technology in a Disruptive Energy Environment
Value Creed: Why CIOs Are Choosing Value Creed's Run Smartâ„¢ Over "Traditional Consulting" for CTRM Platform Support